Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Wanted VS One Direction feud continues: He's A Top Sh*gger

Will it ever be over? The spat between the boys continue, and it doesn’t look like any of them will be backing down anytime soon.
TW v 1D

It’s no secret that One Direction and The Wanted don’t see eye-to-eye, and have been involved in a host of Twitter arguments over the months.
And now, it’s all fired up again.
In a recent interview, The Wanted were quizzed about their relationship with 1D, revealed their “bad feelings” and that they wouldn’t go for beers with them.
The Wanted’s Jay revealed: “It generated just because we were two UK boybands… People were like, is there a rivalry? Well yeah, in the charts there is, but we don’t have anything against them. But then over time it generated a bit of bad feeling
“You hear comments they’ve said in interviews to wind you up, and vice versa and then…it’s kind of fake, but then a few of the lads have wound me up personally.”
Max George then chipped in, being a bit more reasonable and complimenting Harry Styles on being a ladies man: “I don’t mind a couple of them, but the other three, especially two of them. I don’t mind Harry, top sh*gger. I just like what I read, he does really well with the women, he’s a cool guy.”
Seems like Max is a big believer in everything he reads in the papers.
However, our Louis Tomlinson wasn’t going to let this one slide, and he took to Twitter to stick up for One Direction: “So frustrating when people talk the talk in the press but when it comes down to it not a word is said face to face!”
But, it wasn’t The Wanted that fought back.
Jay’s brother, Luke McGuiness was the one to stick up for The Wanted, because obviously they couldn’t do it themselves.
And this is how it all went down:
Luke: @Louis_Tomlinson how about i won’t talk the press, and me seeing you face to face, and me giving you a lesson In picking your own teeth up?
Louis: @LukeMcGuiness Badman
Luke: @Louis_Tomlinson we’ll see who the BadMan is
Wait, is that a threat Luke McGuiness?
Although Louis was the bigger person and didn’t retaliate, it seems it wasn’t all over there.
The Wanted’s Nathan later tweeted about a ‘poor sod’, and Directioners were quick to jump to the conclusion of it being indirectly aimed at Louis after the recent Twitter war:
NathanTheWanted: “Think someone needs to let that poor sod out of that box
@zesty_narry: @NathanTheWanted is that s’posed to be a sassy indirect to louis you little shit
Nathan: Erm @zesty_narry no, it was about a man that was stuck in a box on the #Eurovision song contest … don’t know why I would indirect anyone?
Well, Nathan. Maybe if you’d been a little clearer in what you were saying.
Somehow, we don’t think it’s all over quite yet….
There will be more to come.

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